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Bedtime Stories RSS

Bedtime Stories are original, erotic short-stories submitted by visitors to as well as other published and non-published authors. Please sit back and enjoy the works of these talented writers.

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Copyright Notice: The short stories in Bedtime Stories are properties of the author(s). Any duplication or copying via any medium print or electronic, without the author's written permission is strictly prohibited.

Lost and Found in a Crowd

A bead of sweat started at her temple, quietly rolled down the side of her neck, meandered into her cleavage and pool just under her right breast. She bent her head and blew softly into her bra. Damn, it was hot! Thank God the sun was starting to set; bringing a much-needed cool-down. They had been waiting in the park for over an hour for the concert to start, in standing room only crowds – standing shoulder-to-shoulder with other die-hard Cajun Magic fans. As it was Portia’s white & lime green sundress with the sunflowers, that looked so cool and crisp just hours ago, had wilted and was now clinging to her thighs and hips like Saran wrap. Portia shifted...

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Special Education

I finally figured it out. Yep! Waiting for them to call your number at the DMV was like being in jail. Great! I was only 23 people away from freedom. Fortunately, a stop at the cleaners was the only thing left on my list. If I hurried, I might make it home in time to pull something together for dinner. As it was, I would probably have to finish part of my work project at home tonight. Yea, Rashad would be thrilled as shit to know I was working late again. When did life get so complicatedly busy? My grandmother didn’t own a cell phone or have a Twitter account, yet she always managed to get things done – including...

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